Peru reports death toll from deadly earthquake at 6

When a 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck southeastern Peru on Wednesday night, forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes in regional towns, President Martin Vizcarra immediately issued a call for official help. Peruvian officials have promised assistance to the affected areas, and Vizcarra has also promised financial aid and emergency housing materials.

The epicenter of the earthquake is located near the Caribbean coast in the south-central region of Loreto, although the earthquake was originally thought to have been about 100 miles farther north before it shifted again. “This is very serious,” Vizcarra said of the magnitude-7.5 quake in a speech on Wednesday, according to the Associated Press. “I don’t want to say the government is 100 percent prepared, but the government will be ready.”

Even if the reported death toll is not as high as originally believed, the concern will undoubtedly be for the many families left homeless or without clean water after such a significant earthquake. The 8,000 population of San Pedro was hit especially hard. The Seismological Institute of Peru said the quake destroyed dozens of buildings.

Read the full story at The New York Times.


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